Saturday, December 17, 2005

15th December 2005

Me, Maryanne, Nicole, Claire, Felicia, Jo, Hetts, Prema, Julie & Debbie  Posted by Picasa

Claire  Posted by Picasa

Prema again!  Posted by Picasa

Oh Jamie! The naughty girl!  Posted by Picasa

Nikki  Posted by Picasa

Sam  Posted by Picasa

The basketballers : )  Posted by Picasa

RACHEL!  Posted by Picasa

Debbie!  Posted by Picasa

Debbie & I  Posted by Picasa

Claire, Nikki and I Posted by Picasa

Smile Hetts, smile!  Posted by Picasa

Debbie, Feli & I + the stupid camera strap  Posted by Picasa

Hoho!  Posted by Picasa

Julie and I + Feli!  Posted by Picasa

: )  Posted by Picasa

x 12/17/2005 01:05:00 AM

Thursday, December 01, 2005

27th November 2005
Gathering at Aunty Phyllis's

Hetts & I  Posted by Picasa

Hetts & I  Posted by Picasa

HETTS!  Posted by Picasa

Hetts & I  Posted by Picasa

BEL  Posted by Picasa

Claire & Bel  Posted by Picasa

Nikki & Claire  Posted by Picasa

Hetts & Cheryl  Posted by Picasa

The sisters  Posted by Picasa

Bel, Feli, Debbie, Claire, Nikki & I  Posted by Picasa

Debbie & I  Posted by Picasa

Haha. Thats what I love about her (: Posted by Picasa

She almost pulled me in!  Posted by Picasa

Cheryl, Bel, Nikki, Claire & I  Posted by Picasa

Cheryl, Bel, Nikki, Claire & I  Posted by Picasa

Bel, me, Hetts, Claire, Nikki  Posted by Picasa

Just look at her!  Posted by Picasa

Nikki, Bel, Hetts & I :)  Posted by Picasa

Hahahah! HETTS!  Posted by Picasa

Cool STEREOS!  Posted by Picasa

Hahahah  Posted by Picasa

:)  Posted by Picasa

The POOL table the guys were hogging onto  Posted by Picasa

x 12/01/2005 01:14:00 PM


